Friday, August 30, 2013

Post Baby Workouts

This post is dedicated to my good friend and personal trainer who is getting married today! I have to say he really motivated me for the past two months.  I truly enjoy all our sessions even when I feel like I am ready to die afterwards.  I naively thought loosing the baby weight would be very easy since I made a point to keep moving while pregnant.   Two days before Benjamin arrived I was out in the yard helping to cut down trees, tearing up flower beds, and basically doing major yard work (Yes we moved into our major home renovation about month before my due date).  Probably not the smartest thing to do but the yard needed major help and I knew I was on borrowed time.  My husband told me that I was outworking him!

Getting back to the purpose of the post.  Loosing the weight is hard!  When you are exhausted from no sleep working out is not top on the list.  I found doing quick circuit training is a great workout on those days with limited time.  My trainer gave me the following quick routine to do at home and I love it.  I do it while Benjamin plays in his gym and stares at me like I am crazy.  It works for everyone!

Squat Jumps- 30 Seconds
Sun Gods- 30 Seconds
Lunge Kicks- 30 Seconds on each leg
Bird Dog- 30 Seconds
Mountain Climbers- 30 Seconds (I despise these!)
Plank- 30 Seconds
Superman- 30 Seconds
Hello Dollies- 30 Seconds

Repeat Routine Five Times.  Once mastered increase your seconds.

I will post more pictures throughout my journey!  What are your favorite workout routines on a tight schedule?

I will leave you with a picture from last night at the Rehearsal Dinner.  Looking forward to the wedding this evening. Cheers to Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sunday Dinners...

The past month we have been alternating locations for Sunday dinner with a sweet couple!  They have been friends for what seems like forever.  Soon to be married in November (more posts to come on my bridesmaid duties/future wedding events!) and recently purchasing the first home their lives are very busy. However, we always find time to get together on the weekend.  Last Sunday we were invited for a Sunday dinner featuring Peruvian-Style roasted chicken with sweet onions, fresh baby green salad, tomato caprese salad, and sauteed spinach.

Recipe: Peruvian-Style Roasted Chicken

Appetizer: Caprese Salad

Plate View:

The boys having fun after dinner:

I can't help but share the next picture.  As first time homeowners they are lucky to have such a beautiful and peaceful backyard!

Cheers to many more Sunday dinners! Do you do anything special to wind down from the weekend?


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Crustless Quiche!

The past summer has been filled with lots of change!   A brand new baby puts a quick stop on eating out.  My husband and I often went out to eat, especially, during our major home renovation which will be in a different post(s).  I have been taking advantage of Pinterest and some of my favorite cooking blogs (Budget Bytes) to try new recipes.  I am happy to report we have not gone out to eat in over a month, except once during a wedding weekend in Vermont.  It's amazing how much money you save and better you feel cooking at home.  We are lucky to have friends who enjoy coming over to the house for dinner (and also playing with Benjamin)!

Since I had some free time during the day I decided to whip up a Budget Bytes crustless quiche.  I didn't have all the ingredients on hand so I substituted the mushrooms for leftover fresh corn and onions.  It was delicious, quick, inexpensive, and so easy to make!

The final product!  I also served with a side salad and sparking water.  Yum! What are your favorite quick and easy recipes? Please share and comment! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

First blog post!

I have been talking about blogging for a year now.  So many major life events have happened in the past couple years!  I finally had a few minutes to sit down on this rainy day and play around on the computer.  I could blog about so many different themes experienced in the past few years (engagement, wedding planning, moving and renovating an entire house while pregnant, baby, graduations, awesome vacations, and I can keep going!)   To start let's have a quick recap of the past crazy two and a half years....

Getting engaged! Quick picture of our engagement party March 2011.

Wedding! Husband and I married November 2011.

Baby Benjamin. May 2013.

Looking forward to many posts in the future! Signing off for now so I can organize the blog :)